Before we tell you the 3 biggest mistakes in making a windscreen claim, here are the three simple steps you should follow in making a claim.

What do I do when my windscreen is damaged?

Here is a funny and informative video from Allianz Malaysia on what steps to take to repair your windscreen. In short:

  1. Find out your insurance provider’s panel workshop.
  2. Fill out the claims form.
  3. Get your windscreen repaired.

In most cases you do not need to pay anything, but here are 3 important things that you need to watch out for:

What are the 3 biggest mistakes in making a windscreen claim?

Number 1: Watch out that you have a windscreen insurance cover

First you need to check if you actually have a windscreen cover/ insurance. If you have, GOOD NEWS! you have a very high chance that you will not lose your Non-claims discount or NCD. If you do not have windscreen cover, BAD NEWS and watch out! If you repair your windscreen and let the insurance company pay anyway, you will lose your NCD. So check your policy again or ask your agent and decide for yourself if it is worth losing your NCD bonus. You might decide to pay for the windscreen repair yourself in order to not lose your NCD.


Number 2: Watch out that you go to a panel workshop

A panel workshop is a normal repair shop that is authorized by the insurance company to do carry the repair works. Each insurance company has their own list of panel workshops, so make sure that you go to one that is listed. Only if you go to a panel workshop that is approved by the insurance company, you will not need to pay and the claims process is much faster. However if you mistakenly go to your favorite workshop which is not a panel for your insurance company, chances are you may not be able to claim for the cost of repair/ replacement even though you are covered.


Number 3: Watch out that you renew your windscreen cover

Windscreen cover or windscreen insurance is a one-time only plan. When your windscreen is damaged and you made a claim, your coverage automatically ends. If you want to continue to have windscreen insurance, you need to purchase another cover. If you do not buy it, though your car is still insured, but next time your windscreen cracks, you will need to pay for repair out of your own pocket.



If you keep those simple 3 things in mind when you make a claim and when you renew your car insurance, not only you could save yourself some money, but you would also have a much smoother process when you make a claim.