The last important tip is to adjust the Sum Insured of your vehicle to match your needs. The Sum Insured is the estimated value of your car by the insurance company. When you have selected the right vehicle model and vehicle variant, the insurance company website will propose a Sum Insured to you that in most cases is the one you want to choose. Most insurance companies give you the flexibility to change the Sum Insured slightly. The higher the Sum Insured, the more expensive the insurance. The lower the Sum Insured, the cheaper the car insurance.
When you lower the sum insured, just make sure that you do not fall into the trap of Under-Insurance. Read our article on “Hidden Dangers of Under-Insurance” if you want to know more.
In many cases your car loan is higher than the proposed Sum Insured by the insurance company. You can find out how much your car loan is by contacting the bank with your name and vehicle number. The bank will inform you and you can adjust the Sum Insured accordingly.
Why is it important to match your car loan?
Let’s say your car loan is RM 20,000, but you bought insurance with a sum insured of RM 18,000. If your car is stolen or totally crashed, you would still owe the bank RM 2,000. Even though you have not under-insured your car, you are still left with debt that you owe to the bank.