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Malaysia’s First Insurance Agent Directory

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Meet 5 stars agents that provide exceptional service to their clients

agent spotlight Sunny shahros

Our hard-working team at iBanding is proud to announce the top motor insurance and takaful companies for 2016 as voted by you! You have made this possible Malaysia. Each survey entry that we received represents your voice and your opinion about your motor insurance company. And we believe that each and everyone of them plays a crucial part in making the insurance industry a better place for all Malaysians. And for this we THANK YOU!

best motor takaful companies in Malaysia 2016
best motor insurance companies in Malaysia 2016
Finding the best insurance for you

What insurance company is the best for you?

Our insurance company directory shows you all companies in Malaysia that sell insurance. Together with reviews and ratings from actual customers you can find out what other Malaysians say about their insurance company. Find out what other people have to say and decide if the company is the right for you.

Are you looking for an insurance agent?

We can help you in finding an insurance agent near you. You can take a look at our Insurance Agent Directory and search on your own or take our quick Quiz below and we will recommend some agents for you.

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