Find The Best Motor Insurance In 2016

UPDATED: Our 2016 Motor Insurance Award just finished. We are now evaluating the results and will them publish them here soon.

Be The Judge And Help Us Find The Best Motor Insurance 2016 In Malaysia!

Thousands of Malaysian’s have voted who the best insurance company is in Malaysia. You can find the results for 2015 here.

Now, we want to find who the Best Motor Insurance Company is in 2016. Take our survey now and get a chance to win great prizes.


How does it work?

  1. Fill out the SURVEY
  2. Share with your FRIENDS

What is in it for me?

  1. Voice your opinion
  2. Win great Prizes

What are your questions?

We are an independent company that studies the Malaysian insurance market. We conduct anonymous online survey with customers to find out how good and bad the service is of those companies. Malaysia has over 30 motor insurance companies that offer similar prices for motor insurance. When insurance prices are almost the same, it becomes important how good the service is of the company. We want to find out for each of the 30+ companies:

  1. How good is the company in providing you with information before you buy?
  2. How well does the company service you when you have bought the insurance?
  3. How easy is it to reach the company, when an accident happened?
  4. How easy and quickly is the company in handling a claim?

With your help and knowing the answers to the above questions, we can find the best motor insurance in 2016 for Malaysia. We will share the report with you for FREE and help you make a better decision to find the best.

What can you expect?

Find the best motor insurance in 2016 for Malaysia

We will show you who You have selected as the Best Motor Insurance Company in Malaysia. Also, we will give you detailed report by company of what other people have said. It will be FREE. Have a look at our FREE report for 2015. You will be surprised who Malaysians have voted as the best motor insurance company.

Knowing this, you can make the decision with what insurance company to renew your policy. Let’s compare and choose the Best Motor Insurance Company for you.

Best Motor Insurance Company 90 points
Company A 80 points
Company B 70 points
Company C 60 points