Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) is there to help Malaysians when a car or motorcycle accident happens with an uninsured driver.

What do you do when you have an accident with an uninsured car?

Most of Malaysians know that if you are injured by a motor vehicle, you can make a Third Party Bodily Injury (TPBI) claim against the insurance company of that motor vehicle. But what happens if that motor vehicle has no insurance coverage? Who do you claim from?

This is where Motor Insurers’ Bureau of West Malaysia or MIB for short comes in.

MIB was formed on 15/01/1968 from an agreement made by the Minister of Transport of Malaysia, the general insurance companies of Malaysia and the Bureau itself. MIB’s purpose is to provide injured road accident victims (whether as a driver, passenger or pedestrian) with money in case the other motor vehicle has no insurance.

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) will pay money for the injuries that you have gotten during the accident with an uninsured driver. MIB will not pay for any pre-existing injuries or any damages to your car. This is the sad part in Malaysia. If the other party is driving without insurance, you can only get the money for your damages by personally suing the driver.

There are several important steps to follow:

1. You can submit your claim directly to Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) or appoint a lawyer to do so.

2. You must identify the motor vehicle that knocked you (e.g. WTG 1234). MIB no longer pays you for hit-and-run cases. This is when a vehicle knocks you, but you cannot record the vehicle number. Make sure you know what to do after an accident. 

3. You must submit your claim within three years from the accident date.

4. If you appoint a lawyer and he proceeds to file a lawsuit, he must notify MIB within 30 days of filing the lawsuit and provides MIB with all the relevant documents.

5. MIB will only pay for your injuries (e.g. abrasions, bone fractures) with an uninsured driver. They will not pay for damage to your motor vehicle, clothing, shoes, watch, loss of earnings, medical bills, etc.

6. The amount of payout is subject to MIB’s discretion and is on a goodwill basis.

You need to prepare the following documents:

1. Cover letter describing your accident, your intent to claim and list of documents.

2. Your police report (must state the third party vehicle’s license plate number).

3. Third party vehicle driver’s police report (if available).

4. Your medical report.

Please make a spare set and submit the originals to:

Motor Insurers’ Bureau of West Malaysia*
Wisma PIAM
No. 150-3, 3rd Floor,
Jalan Tun Sambanthan, Brickfields,
50782 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: 03-22747395

*Even though it says West Malaysia, people from Sabah and Sarawak can send their claim to this address too.

When you receive a reply from MIB, they will request a RM100 fee for them to conduct their investigation on your accident. Since MIB may occasionally change its internal policy and the process may take a long time, we advise that you follow up with them every month.

Sadly MIB is not well known, but they exist and their service is available to the Malaysian public. If you are unsure of how to file a claim from MIB, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.