Insurance Basics Every Malaysian Should Know

8 years ago

Insurance 101 – Understanding Malaysian Insurance The mere mention of the word insurance is enough to clear a room full…

5 Reasons Why We Hate Insurance!

8 years ago

  Let’s admit it, some of us still cringe at this topic. We just simply do not like talking about…

What is U for Life?

9 years ago

Many of us have heard of U for Life but may not be aware of what it is or how…

Choosing a Good Insurance Agent

9 years ago

We all dread it. Those unsolicited phone calls from unrecognized numbers in the middle of your important meeting. Or while…

To Cam or Not To Cam

9 years ago

Does having a dash cam help in making insurance claims easier? Yes we have all seen it, those highly entertaining…

What You Should Do During A Car Accident

9 years ago

According to a Michigan University research conducted in 2014, Malaysia is ranked 17th across the globe for being the most…

3 Easy Ways to Save on Motor Insurance

9 years ago

All Malaysians are very familiar with Non Claims Benefit (NCB) or Non Claims Discount (NCD) that can save up to…

Motor Detariffication in Malaysia

9 years ago

What does Motor Detariffication mean in Malaysia? The Summary After motor detariffication, insurance companies in Malaysia are allowed to set…