
Why is insurance important for Malaysians? We all worry about our future. All the what ifs that go through our minds day in and day out, adding more anxiety to our already stressful lives. Depending on where we are in...
More details about Malaysia’s Motor Detariffication and also the timeline has finally been provided. The REAL motor detariffication will start July 2017. If you do not know what motor detariffication is about, check out our previous article on Motor Detariffication in...
Insurance 101 – Understanding Malaysian Insurance The mere mention of the word insurance is enough to clear a room full of crowd. Try it if you don’t believe me. Start talking about insurance at the next party you are invited...
  Let’s admit it, some of us still cringe at this topic. We just simply do not like talking about it. And I believe the reason for Insurance hate is pretty straight forward. Many of us just DO NOT understand...
Many of us have heard of U for Life but may not be aware of what it is or how it can be beneficial to us. So we at iBanding are happy to help you get to know this very...
We all dread it. Those unsolicited phone calls from unrecognized numbers in the middle of your important meeting. Or while you are about to take a big bite out of that sandwich during your lunch break. You answered anyway thinking...
Does having a dash cam help in making insurance claims easier? Yes we have all seen it, those highly entertaining dash cam videos on YouTube. From those wacky Russian drivers in their 3-wheeled vans cruising around the city, to high...
According to a Michigan University research conducted in 2014, Malaysia is ranked 17th across the globe for being the most dangerous country for road users. In 2003, almost 300,000 road accidents were reported in Malaysia. That number increased by 53%...
All Malaysians are very familiar with Non Claims Benefit (NCB) or Non Claims Discount (NCD) that can save up to 55% of the insurance. NCB is earned by driving carefully without accident over the years. But there are more ways...
What does Motor Detariffication mean in Malaysia? The Summary After motor detariffication, insurance companies in Malaysia are allowed to set their own insurance prices. If you are considered a safe driver, your car insurance will be massively cheaper. If you...