Getting ready to buy your first life Insurance or Family Takaful and don’t know how and where to start? Use this guide as a reference to help you to make a better and informed choice, for life insurance or family...
To many, travelling means escaping the mundane daily lives, a chance to gain new experiences in far away places, or simple a time to distress and chill. Sadly however, most travellers do not consider the risks that could happen during...
Did you know, that your driving behaviour can determine the price of your car insurance? And that it no longer follows the predetermined tariff structure by Bank Negara Malaysia? This change happened on the 1st of July 2017, where the detariffication or...
Life insurance (or any kind of insurance for that matter) is not a fun subject. Don’t believe me, bring it up during a party and watch how quickly the crowd around you disappear. Ever wondered why people dislike life...
There are tons of medical insurance plans to choose from in Malaysia. It can get pretty overwhelming, confusing and complicated at times because everyone is offering so many different variations of the same things. This article aims to shed...
Many Malaysians are still unaware that come July 2017 when the Detariffication starts, their motor insurance premium will never be the same again. How? Well first let’s try to understand how the current system works, and how it has been...