Posts filed under: Road Tax

Road Tax

Have you ever put something off until the last minute? Why when so little good comes out of delaying something, do we do it so much? There’s probably a couple of factors that could cause you to procrastinate renewing your...
It’s that time of the year again. The time to renew your car insurance is just around the corner. While it may seem easy to leave your insurance hunting to the good hands of a trusted agent, you can’t help...
What type of car insurance buyer are you? If you are feeling the drag to bring yourself to the insurance office to renew your car insurance and would rather have someone else do the due, you are The Couch Potato....
Did you know that now you can renew road tax online? More and more Malaysians are choosing to do their shopping online. It is after all, a lot more convenient than having to drive your car through heavy traffic and...