FWD Takaful Berhad (“FWD Takaful”) is offering Malaysian a way to earn extra money through an affiliate program. This is a simple way to earn some extra money on the side without much effort.

How to earn extra money through affiliate program?

An affiliate program, sometimes called associate program, is an arrangement in which the seller (FWD) is paying a small commission to another person who brought in the customer. You can also call it referral program. You recommend a product to a friend and when the friend buys the product the seller pays you a small commission.

Is being a FWD Affiliate for me?

You do not need to be an expert in insurance in order to participate and earn extra money. You are best suited if you have a large network of friends and family or a large following on social media. If you come across someone who is interested in insurance or family takaful you can recommend them to a specialist from FWD. The specialist is fully trained and licensed and will be able to provide the best recommendation to your friend. If your friend then decides to buy, you will be recognized as the person who made the connection and receive a commission from FWD Affiliate

How much does it cost?

There is no upfront cost that you have to pay. If you are interested you can sign-up for free.

How to get started to earn extra money?

Here are a few simple steps on how to become an FWD Affiliate:

  1. Create an account and download the FWD Affiliate app to be tagged to one of our
    registered agents.
  2. Share pre-generated content to your social media connections.

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Where can I get more information?

Read the official press release here in English or in BM