1. Fill out the SURVEY
The survey comprises of 15-20 quick and easy questions which would only take 3-5 minutes of your time. They are designed to help us understand your opinion on your current motor insurance company. It will be helpful to have a copy of your insurance policy at hand to answer some of the questions. However, you can also participate even without it.
2. Share with your FRIENDS
In Malaysia, there are over 30 insurance companies. In order to produce a reliable, accurate result for the benefit of all Malaysians, we would require a lot of data from the public. Therefore, we urge Malaysians, who are motor insurance policy holders to participate in this survey and to provide us with your experience and view on your insurance company. To make it exciting, we have launched a drive in which participants stand a chance to win prizes!
3. Get the results for FREE
The data we gathered will determine who the best motor insurance company in Malaysia is as voted by the Malaysian public.  This information is important because currently, all 30 companies claim to be the best in terms of service offered and price. However, we all know that this isn’t always true, and that some companies are better than others. This effort is to identify who are the favorites and to present to Malaysians a choice by giving a voice to the consumers. Have a look at our FREE Motor Insurance Report for 2016.
3. Make your voice count and sign-up now
Don’t forget, you too can let your voice be heard. Let us know your experience with your motor insurance company. Sign-up now with your email address, so that when we start the 2017 Motor Insurance Survey you will be one of the first to know. All Malaysians above 18 years of age with a valid motor insurance policy can participate in.