Privacy Statement


This Privacy Statement describes our gathering, storing, dissemination and processing practices in respect of any personal data of individuals when they access and use,, iBantu – Insurance Helper via desktop or mobile App or other services provided by iBanding (hereinafter referred to collectively as iBanding). It is intended to be read together with iBanding’s Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Statement applies to all operations and business units of iBanding. If any operations or business unit of iBanding already has a data protection Privacy Statement in place, this Privacy Statement shall supersede and replace any such notice.

Please read this Privacy Statement to understand how we use and process the personal data we have collected or may collect from you.

By providing your personal data and/or using our site, you are consenting to this Privacy Statement and the collection, use, access, transfer, storage and processing of your personal data described in this Privacy Statement as modified from time to time by iBanding, and agree to be legally bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy and iBanding’s Terms & Conditions, regardless of whether you have registered as a user.

Any changes to this Privacy Statement will be updated to the site and iBanding reserves the right to amend the Privacy Statement without prior notice. Any such revised privacy statement will continue to apply to all personal data that has previously been collected as well as information that has been stored or processed on an ongoing basis by iBanding. Therefore, you are encouraged to check the version of the privacy policy whenever you visit the site for any updates or changes.

Any use of the Site after such amendment shall be deemed acceptance of the amended Privacy Policy in its entirety. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please immediately discontinue your access to, and use of, the Website and mobile applications.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites you may access through, or in the course of your use of the Website and mobile applications. Your rights in relation to those third parties will be governed entirely by the privacy statements and/or terms and conditions of those third party websites and mobile applications.

This Privacy Policy is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.

If you are under 18, you should ensure that you obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardian before using our services and/or products.If you are a firm, corporation or entity supplying personal data of your partners, directors, shareholders, employees, officers and/or other persons to us, please do ensure that you have obtained their consent and bring this Privacy Statement to their attention.


This Privacy Statement sets out:

  • What kind of personal data is being processed;
  • The purposes for which the personal data is being or is to be collected and further processed;
  • The source of that personal data;
  • Your right to request access to and to request correction of your personal data and how to contact us with any inquiries or complaints in respect of the personal data;
  • The persons to whom we disclose or may disclose your personal data;
  • The choices and means that you may limit the processing of your personal data, including personal data relating to other persons who may be identified from that personal data;
  • Whether it is obligatory or voluntary for you to supply the personal data; and
  • Where it is obligatory for you to supply the personal data, the consequences to you if you fail to supply the personal data.


When you access or use iBanding, or communicate with iBanding or any of its officers, employees or agents, whether through written, published or electronic means, the telephone or otherwise, iBanding may collect or receive personal or non-personal information or data about, in connection with or from you, including, without limitation, through cookies, pixel tags, website and data analytics, and other technologies, in accordance with the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2013 (“PDPA”). Personal information or data may include, without limitation, your name, contact information, user profile, and information about your financial status. Non- personal information or data may include, without limitation, your browser information, internet protocol (IP) address, how you use the Website or any part thereof, and aggregated information. iBanding will, as far as possible, inform you at each collection point as to what information is required and what information is optional.


Personal data refers to all information that relates directly or indirectly to you, including any sensitive personal data and expression of opinion about you. Sensitive personal data refers to any personal data as to your physical or mental health or condition, your political opinions, your religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature, the commission or alleged commission by you of any offence or any other personal data as may be determined by law from time to time.

The personal data collected by us may include (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Contact information – e.g. your name, date of birth, identification number (such as NRIC or passport number), gender, nationality, race, address, contact number, fax number, email address
  • Billing information – your credit card information and bank account details
  • the status of the services you have acquired from us or subscribed to – e.g. account number, account balance, account activities, payment history
  • Transaction information – e.g. information requested by you from our services, such as status of traffic summons, driving licences, bankruptcy
  • Your personal interests and preferences to help us tailor offerings of our services and products which would suit you best
  • Insurance policy information as provided by you or your agent to iBanding

If need arises, we will obtain explicit consent from you to process sensitive personal data. We may however process personal data without your consent in limited circumstances as permitted by law.


We may collect and process personal data from you or from the third parties, for one or more of the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity
  • To assess and process your application(s) /request(s) for our services
  • To provide you with the information and/or services you have requested from iBanding and/or its designated representatives and/or business partners and ancillary matters thereto, including transmission to third party agents in order to process a review of your insurance coverage
  • To administer and manage our services
  • To investigate, process and resolve any service issues, complaints, communications or other enquiries that you may submit to us regarding our services
  • To assess and/or verify credit worthiness
  • To keep in contact with you and provide you with any information you have requested, services and/or products offered by us and/or changes thereto, by our service providers and/or business partners
  • To maintain and develop our services, products, business systems and infrastructure
  • To manage staff training and quality assurance
  • To produce data, reports and statistics which shall be anonymised or aggregated in a manner that does not identify you as an individual
  • To investigate, respond to, or defend claims made against, or involving iBanding
  • To conduct marketing activities
  • To maintain records required for security, claims or other legal purposes
  • To detect and prevent fraudulent activity
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • For any other purposes that is required or permitted by any law, regulations, guidelines and/or relevant regulatory authorities


We may collect personal data from customer application form, registration at or visit to websites owned and/or operated by iBanding, registration for a specific service provided by us, use of our services, participation in our survey, entry in competitions, contests, promotions, programmes organised by us, request for information regarding our product, commencement of any business or commercial relationship with us and/or any communication made with us.

We may also obtain your personal data from:

  • Third parties we deal with or are connected with you (e.g. credit reference agencies or financial institutions)
  • Government or other regulatory authorities who have the power and/or authority to disclose such information (e.g. PDRM, Insolvency Department, JPJ)
  • Such other sources where you have given your consent for the disclosure of information relating to you
  • Where otherwise lawfully permitted.


If you wish to correct, change or update your personal data, all you have to do is to go to contact us under .

You shall provide and maintain accurate, complete and current data required to register with iBanding. You represent and warrant that all information furnished to iBanding from time to time through its website or otherwise is correct, validly issued and legally binding on you.

You will be liable for any loss that results from any failure to notify iBanding of such a change as a result of undue delay, your gross negligence or fraud. Where you fail to inform of any change in its address, iBanding shall be discharged from all liabilities upon sending of any notice or document to the last known address.

In the event you may need to provide us with personal data relating to third parties (e.g. spouse or children or where you are the designated person in charge (from an organisation or company) for dealing with us, if you are acquiring and are responsible for a service and/or product that they will use), you confirm that you have (i) obtained their consent or otherwise entitled to provide their personal data to us and for us to use accordingly, and (ii) informed them to read this Privacy Statement.

iBanding reserves the right at any time to satisfy itself as to your identity and personal details provided including for the purposes of preventing fraud and/or money laundering and pending verification, we may withhold your access to your personal data. In addition, at the time of your application or at any time in the future, you authorise iBanding to perform identity verification checks directly or using relevant third parties.

iBanding aims to maintain its services in a manner that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. Because of this, after you correct, change or update information from iBanding services, iBanding may not immediately delete residual copies from iBanding active servers and may not remove information from our systems.

Your access to most services and content are password protected. Therefore, you are solely responsible for your username and password to access the services and content. You must remember to log off from your account and close the browser window after use so that no unauthorized party can have access. You must not, at any time, divulge your password to any third party.


We will process personal data for the following reasons and may disclose to the following third parties:

  • To provide, maintain, protect and improve all or any of our services and to develop new ones or to respond to your queries
  • For internal and marketing purposes of iBanding
  • To companies and/or organisations that assist us in processing and/or otherwise fulfilling transactions and providing you with services that you have requested or subscribed for
  • To companies, corporations and/or entities that act as iBanding’s service providers, gateway providers, agents, contractors and/or professional advisers
  • To Law enforcement agencies, government agencies and/or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues
  • To our business partners and other parties for purposes that are related to the purpose of collecting and using your personal data set out in this Privacy Statement
  • where iBanding is the subject of a takeover and your personal information forms are part of iBanding’s assets to be transferred to the acquiring entity
  • where you disclose such information to third parties in the course of participating in any competitions or promotional programs on the Website.

Subject at all times to any laws (including regulations, guidelines and/or obligations) applicable to iBanding.

iBanding shall be entitled to retain all data and information supplied by you for the use of iBanding, notwithstanding the termination or suspension of our services to you.

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy. However, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Accordingly, despite iBanding’s efforts to protect your personal data, iBanding cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, or to or from our online products or services. All such transmission of information is carried out at your own risk and you agree not to hold iBanding liable or responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any event including, but not limited to, your information being accessed, copied or otherwise used. iBanding will, as far as reasonably possible, promptly notify all affected persons. You accept that you are responsible for keeping confidential your username and password to your account with iBanding. However, once we receive your transmission, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure its security in our systems.


Whenever we send you any information, we will include instructions on how to unsubscribe and a link to do so. If you do not wish to receive further information of a similar nature, you may e-mail us. If you do not wish to receive any information of any kind from us at all, you may e-mail us.


Where indicated (e.g. on our website, registration/application forms), it is obligatory to provide your personal data to us to enable us to process your application for our services. Should you decline to provide such obligatory personal data, we may not be able to process your application or provide you with our services.


iBanding uses “cookies”, where a small data file is sent to your browser to store and track information about you when you enter our websites. The cookie is used to track information such as the number of users and their frequency of use, profiles of users and their preferred sites. While this cookie can tell us when you enter our sites and which pages you visit, it cannot read data off your hard disk.iBanding may process and/or otherwise use information collected from cookies and other technologies, to improve the user experience and the overall quality of iBanding services. You may set your browser to block all cookies, including cookies associated with iBanding’s services, or to indicate when a cookie is being set by iBanding. However, it’s important to remember that many of iBanding’s services may not function properly if your cookies are disabled. In such situations, iBanding shall not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from your inability to use those features. Like many web site operators, iBanding also uses the independent companies to measure and analyse the internet usage across iBanding websites. This aggregate, non-personal data is collated by such independent companies provided to iBanding to assist in analysing the usage of iBanding websites.iBanding also collects Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. IP addresses are assigned to computers on the internet to uniquely identify them within the global network. iBanding collects and manages IP addresses as part of the service of providing internet session management and for security purposes. The IP address is considered to be non-personal information and it may be dynamic (changing every time you connect to the Internet) or it may be static (unique to your computer). iBanding collects your IP address in order to facilitate its administration and improvement of the Site. The information derived from your IP address can help iBanding diagnose server problems, report aggregate information, and determine the fastest route from your computer to the Website.

We use among others, the following cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of the Website.

Analytical/performance cookies. They allow iBanding to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Website when they are using it. This helps iBanding to improve the way the Website works, for example, by ensuring that users are able to use custom features.

Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to the Website. This enables iBanding to personalise its content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to the Website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. iBanding will use this information to make the Website and the advertisements targeted more relevant to your interests. iBanding may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.


A link from this site to another site(s) does not imply endorsement of that site. iBanding does not control the sites to which iBanding links and assumes no responsibility or liability for their content or privacy policies and/or statements. Therefore, you should carefully review the privacy policy and/or statements and the terms and conditions that apply to any site you access from our websites. This includes any company providing on-line payment via credit card or e-banking.


It may be necessary for us to transfer your personal data outside Malaysia if any of our service providers or strategic partners (“overseas entities”) who are involved in providing part of our services are located in countries outside Malaysia or if you use the services from a country other than Malaysia. You consent to us transferring your personal data outside Malaysia in these instances. We shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any such overseas entities are contractually bound not to use your personal data for any reason other than to provide the services they are contracted by us to provide and to adequately safeguard your personal data.

iBanding will comply with its obligations under the Malaysian PDAPA 2013 in relation to personal data transferred, stored, or processed outside Malaysia for as long as the data remains in iBanding’s possession or control during the transfer.

However, if data needs to be transferred to or stored or processed in countries that have less stringent personal data protection laws than Malaysia in order to provide you with the services you request, you are deemed to consent to such transfer, storage, or processing in providing your personal data to iBanding during your use of the Website.

You may at any time inform iBanding that you wish to withdraw your consent to such transfer, storage, or processing of your personal data.

iBanding will retain all information collected for as long as you continue to use the Website or iBanding’s services. If you are a member and terminate your iBanding account, iBanding will retain the information, including personal data, collected during your membership for as long as reasonably necessary for any business or legal purpose.


iBanding may record, and/or monitor any communication(s) (including telephone calls or other electronic communications) between you and iBanding. iBanding may do so in order to resolve queries in the future and/or for the purpose of ensuring security, staff training and complying with its legal and/or regulatory responsibilities.


When you visit our Services or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. We therefore take this as your consent to receive communications from us electronically. By doing so you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any and all legal requirement that such communications be in writing

iBanding may send you email notifications from time to time. You may not opt out of receiving certain service-related notifications that are:

  • necessary elements of your transactions on the Website, Mobile Application and any product or service of iBanding’s, such as confirmations of particular actions you have taken;
  • are required for legal or security purposes; or
  • meant to inform you of changes to Website policies or iBanding’s operations, products, or services.

You may, through written notice to iBanding, opt out of other service-related notifications at any time, including:

  • information updates issued by iBanding;
  • user surveys or other requests for user feedback; or
  • marketing offers from iBanding or that iBanding sends on behalf of the companies featured on the Website.


iBanding reserves the right at any time and at its sole discretion to revise, change, alter or vary the contents of our website and/or terms and conditions of use and/or the Privacy Statement as herein contained. The continued use of the website following any such revision, change, alteration of variation shall constitute the acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by such revision, changes, alteration and/or variation.


You may instruct us to provide you with your personal information which has been submitted to us provided that you supply us evidence as to your identity (identification card, passport or any other forms of documents which may proof the validity of your identity). You may also be required to make a payment for this service.

Any electronic marketing communications we send you will include clear and concise instructions to follow should you wish to unsubscribe at any time.

Should you:

  • no longer wish to be contacted by us;
  • wish to obtain further information on how to limit the processing of your personal data;
  • wish to access or correct your personal data;
  • have any further query; or
  • wish to make a complaint in respect of your personal data

you can advise us at any time by contacting us at

You can also ask us at any time to stop passing your information to third parties for marketing purposes, which we will do.


If you have any queries regarding this Privacy Statement, please contact us via our contact form.