Posts tagged with: Buy Insurance Online

One of the ways we at iBanding is helping the public in choosing the right insurance company is by conducting a yearly survey to find out what the consumer think of their insurance and takaful companies. The findings obtained from...
What type of car insurance buyer are you? If you are feeling the drag to bring yourself to the insurance office to renew your car insurance and would rather have someone else do the due, you are The Couch Potato....
  What do you do if it’s 5.30 pm and you have just realized your car insurance is expiring tomorrow? Your insurance agent is out of reach (or you don’t even have one) and it is obviously too late to...
More and more Malaysians are buying motor insurance online. In this guide, we will look at the options that are available to buy motor insurance online in Malaysia, the advantages and disadvantages of each option and share with you iBanding’s...