Posts tagged with: insurance cost

insurance cost

We spoke to 5 insurance and takaful agents from our monthly Agent Spotlight columns to find out what they think are the most common mistakes Malaysians generally make when it comes to insurance. This is what they had to say....
The Malaysian economy today is looking uncertain. GST has made many products and services more expensive. Furthermore, the price of petrol is now being revised on a weekly basis putting more strain on the consumer. With this current economic situation, Malaysians...
There are many factors that determine the price of life insurance premium. Some of these factors are unavoidable to some of us, making the premium cost higher. However, others are within our control. Still procrastinating about purchasing a life insurance plan...
By now, many may have already heard of motor de-tariffication also known as phased liberalization that is slowly being implemented here since June of this year. Here’s the nutshell version of what it is for those who don’t know what...
“Penny wise pound foolish”. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of under-insurance. But perhaps before we get into that, we should first look at the definition of under-insurance.   What is under-insurance? In insurance language, under-insurance...
In our previous blog article, we spoke about the different types of motor insurance policies and their coverage. You may find that even with a Comprehensive Cover, it is still not enough to insure you against some things that matter...
Medical insurance is the most important insurance which ensures that you have sufficient money to pay for medical expenses which include consultation, hospitalization, medicine and treatment cost during illness or injury. In the chart below, you can see some of...