If you live in Kuala Lumpur, this article is for you. We will show you the Top Insurance Agents for 2022 in Kuala Lumpur, the capital state of Malaysia.Insurance is a complex topic and not easy to understand. When you are looking to buy insurance you should get help from the best. At iBanding, we create a transparent overview of most insurance and takaful agents in Malaysia. Therefore, we provide you with reviews and ratings for agents from Malaysian customers to help you find the best insurance agents in Kuala Lumpur.

1. Justin Nevis

Senior Financial Consultant and CEO of Wealth Vision Consulting totaling 18 years in Industry

Location: Kuala Lumpur

iBanding’s Rating

Justin offers products from

  • Etiqa Takaful
  • Liberty
  • Lonpac
  • Am General

Justin offers insurance solutions

  • Car & Motorcycle
  • Investment
  • Key Man / Personal Accident
  • Home & House
  • Unit Trusts
  • and more

More about Justin

Justin is an experienced insurance & financial planning advisor who successfully advices and manages individual & corporate clients insurance & investment needs. Justin has been a practitioner since October 2002. He started his career in banking & finance and then decided to go fulltime on his passion in the insurance & financial planning industry.

Justin Nevis who is among the best insurance agents in Kuala Lumpur is a Senior Life & Financial Planner and specializes in :

1) Keyman Business Insurance
2) Mortgage Life Term Insurance
3)Vehicle Insurance & Road Tax Renewals
4) Home & Property Insurance
5) Tax Free Working Capital Solutions For SME’S Business Owners
6) Fixed Rate Cash Trust
7) Unit Trust
8) Insurance Trust

Apart from that, Justin also has several certifications:

  • Best Agent & Advisor in Kuala Lumpur 2017 – 2020
    (Awarded By iBanding Services Sdn Bhd)
  • Certificate of Completion AIA High Achievers 2015
    (Awarded By AIA Bhd)

Here are some of his client’s comments about him.

Interview with Justin

What is an insurance product that you think all Malaysians should have and why?

To me an Insurance product I think all Malaysians should have is Medical Card especially one that covers for Covid 19.  Statistics wise many are unprepared for huge medical costs and end up forking out thousands or even more as a result of this.

What is the most frequent question that customers ask you and how do you answer them?

Customers usually are more concern on costs of Insurance rather then the importance of it. To me I provide them with a Comprehensive and Holistic View and how to mitigate their risk. Each type of Insurance Solution serves its own need and purpose.

Do you specialize in a type of insurance? If yes, which one?

I specialize mainly on Medical Card, Fire Insurance and Vehicle Insurance which is solutions that almost everyone needs.

How would you help customers understand complex insurance topics?

Customers need to understand why they are buying and also what’s the purpose of having a specific insurance solution rather then to be concern on Cost of the Insurance. As we all know Inflation is rising and everyone should protect themselves as soon as they can rather then waiting for something to happen then only considering buying Insurance.

2. Cha Ai Bee

Full-Time Life Planner for more than 5 years

Kuala Lumpur

iBanding’s Rating

Ai Bee offers products from

  • AIA & AIA Public Takaful

Ai Bee offers insurance solutions

  • Group Medical/Life

More about Ai Bee

Ai Bee who is among the best insurance agents in Kuala Lumpur is a Full-Time Life Planner for more than 5 years and currently pursuing her Certified Financial Planner Licensing (CFP).
She helps clients to design financial framework by understanding client’s needs and requirements. Over the years, she has built her experience in dealing with claims and servicing for individual and corporate members.

Here are some of her client’s comments about her.

Interview with Ai Bee

What is an insurance product that you think all Malaysians should have and why?

Life is in different Life Stages. Every stage of life is the foundation for the next stage of life. Be it the person is single, just married, young family, established family or happily retired. When a single young person, may only need medical card and critical illness coverage, if he has his own family, he may considered to top up his life coverage. Also, education and retirement is his concern too.
So, it depends on the customer’s current situation and tailored made a plan which best suit the clients’ budget.

What is the most frequent question that customers ask you and how do you answer them?

People normally will ask me to extend the coverage up to age 70 or 80. As both of the plan may have different premium as the point of buying. However, the life expectancy for Malaysia in 2021 was 76.36 years. I would suggest to cover until age 80. But that also, depending on the budget. Normally, the budget that should be of 10 – 15% of your income to allocate to buy insurance. That’s a fair amount to consider.

Do you specialize in a type of insurance? If yes, which one?

Yes I do. I specialize in income protection, retirement and education planning

How would you help customers understand complex insurance topics?

I would use my Presentation slides and videos to share the concept of insurance. For faceto face meet up, a copy of the materials will be sent over for safekeep. However, it’s not easy for customers to understand by one meet-up. A timely follow-up and yearly review will be carried out for my customers. I also have facebook page, IG, LinkedIn and TikTok account to share educational content to bring up the awareness of financial planning.

3. Muhammad Jazri Bin Omar

Expert on any insurance and Takaful matters


Kuala Lumpur

iBanding’s Rating

Jazri offers products from

  • Great Eastern Life & Takaful & OAC

Jazri offers insurance solutions

  • Group Medical/Life
  • Hospital and Surgical
  • Investment
  • Medical and Critical Illness
  • Protection
  • Retirement

More about Jazri

Jazri who is among the best insurance agents in Kuala Lumpur is an expert in providing advice on any insurance and Takaful matters in English and Bahasa Melayu. He is also prompt, reliable, honest and provides efficient service to his customers.

Here are some of his client’s comments about him.

Interview with Jazri

What is an insurance product that you think all Malaysians should have and why?

Definitely medical, as the cost of medical expenses is expensive and going up every year. Other types of policy will come after medical. Better still, to get medical + death benefit

What is the most frequent question that customers ask you and how do you answer them?

Most of my clients will ask me on their budget for the reason to choose the policy they wanted. However, as a professional advisor, I will do a fact finding on their income and expenses (net worth value) lifestyle and expectations in the future. Then I will recommend the best plan for them. Not straight away propose a plan that just suits their budget.

Do you specialize in a type of insurance? If yes, which one?

I don’t consider myself a specialist in a certain type of insurance. I would do whatever kind of insurance the client request. However, in general insurance I might need assistance from my immediate manager.

How would you help customers understand complex insurance topics?

I would use presentation media such as slides and videos and also draft drawings and calculation tables to assist them to understand the proposals that I am recommending or the concept of insurance and takaful. At the same time a good conversation to understand their needs as much as possible.

4. Karen Siaw Chee Fui

Holistic Planner who helps in protection, saving and estate planning

Kuala Lumpur

iBanding’s Rating

Karen offers products from

  • AIA & AIA Public Takaful

Karen offers insurance solutions

  • Accident & Travel
  • Group Medical/Life
  • Investment
  • Medical and Critical Illness
  • Protection
  • Retirement
  • Will Writing

More about Karen

Karen who is among the best insurance agents in Kuala Lumpur is experienced in unit trust for more than 5 years. She will give sincere advice on getting protection and saving. You can trust her for giving you good advice on getting protection and investment. You definitely won’t face the problem of  ‘over-buying’ insurance or saving without basic income protection. Being a holistic planner, she is able to give best advice on estate planning through a will writing service.

Here are some of her client’s comments about her.

Interview with Karen

What is an insurance product that you think all Malaysians should have and why?

Malaysians should have medical insurance especially “Medical Card” to cover their medical bills in hospitals.

What is the most frequent question that customers ask you and how do you answer them?

How much does a “Medical Card” cost? It depends on your age, plan that you acquire (Standalone Medical Card or Comprehensive Plan)

Do you specialize in a type of insurance?

I do. I specialise in medical insurances including employees’ medical coverage.

How would you help customers understand complex insurance topics?

I would use presentation slides during Zoom meeting or request face-to-face meeting if customers would like to adjust insurance coverage based on needs.